The Belgariad

The Belgariad is a five-book fantasy epic written by David Eddings.

The series tells the story of the recovery of the Orb of Aldur and coming of age of Garion, an orphaned farmboy. Garion is accompanied by his aunt Polgara and grandfather Belgarath as they try to fulfill an ancient prophecy that will decide the fate of the universe. Along the way, various "instruments", or helpers, of the prophecy join their quest to recover the orb, and Garion discovers his true identity and destiny.


Works in the series

Volumes include:

  1. Pawn of Prophecy (1982)
  2. Queen of Sorcery (1982)
  3. Magician's Gambit (1983)
  4. Castle of Wizardry (1984)
  5. Enchanters' End Game (1984)

The title of each book combines a chess term with a fantasy term. The concept of a Game of Destiny is a significant motif in the story. The series has been reprinted as a two-volume set, titled The Belgariad Volume One, containing the first three books of the series, and The Belgariad Volume Two, which contains the last two books. This does not include the original map in Pawn of Prophecy by Chris Barbieri, but only Shelly Shapiro's map.

The Malloreon is a five-book sequel that continues the story started in the Belgariad. Belgarath the Sorcerer (1995) and Polgara the Sorceress (1997) are prequels that share the setting and most characters. The Rivan Codex (1998) features annotated background material.

Pawn of Prophecy

Pawn of Prophecy  

Pawn of Prophecy cover
Author(s) David Eddings
Country United States
Language English
Series The Belgariad
Genre(s) Fantasy
Publisher Del Rey Books
Publication date 1982
Media type Hardcover, Paperback
Pages 258 pp (paperback)
ISBN 0-345-33551-1
OCLC Number 26344694
Preceded by none
Followed by Queen of Sorcery

The book opens with a brief prologue concerning past events, beginning with the creation of the world by seven gods. One of the seven, Aldur, fashions an orb from stone and creates within it a "living soul". One of the other gods, Torak, seizes the Orb from Aldur and tries to have it submit to his will. The Orb retaliates, burning and maiming Torak throughout the left side of his body, and burning out his left eye. The Orb of Aldur is later recovered by Belgarath the Sorcerer, King Cherek, and his children. Cherek's youngest son Riva, is able to hold the Orb unharmed; wherefore all of his descendants are responsible for guarding the Orb from Torak.

The story then begins in earnest with the experiences of a boy named Garion raised on a large, prosperous farm. It tells of his earliest memories in the kitchen of his Aunt Pol; and describes how he meets Durnik the blacksmith, Garion's early games and friends, and something of the romance between himself and local girl Zubrette. It also introduces his contact with a disguised Belgarath; Garion's vision of the antagonist known as Asharak or Chamdar; and a "dry voice" in his mind, separate from his own consciousness. The reader later discovers that this is the Voice of Prophecy, or "Necessity", which takes action through him.

When Belgarath, under the name of "Mister Wolf" (given by Garion), arrives with news of the theft of a mysterious object by a thief whom no-one will name, Mister Wolf and Aunt Pol leave Faldor's farm to chase him down, reluctantly allowing Durnik to accompany them. Garion, Aunt Pol, Durnik, and Mister Wolf are joined later by Silk/Kheldar, a Drasnian prince, spy, and thief; and by Barak, a Cherek warrior and Earl of Trellheim famous for his immense size, love of ale, and unmatched prowess in battle. Garion finds himself visiting several cities as Mister Wolf follows an invisible trail, until they are arrested and taken to a meeting of monarchs.

There, Aunt Pol and Belgarath spend most of their time in council with the kings, leaving Garion alone. Garion begins doubt about his relation to Aunt Pol when he hears her identified as the 4000-year-old sorceress Polgara, and that Mister Wolf is her father, the 7000-year-old sorcerer Belgarath. This causes some tension between Garion and Pol until the end of the book.

While roaming in the palace at Val Alorn, Garion sees a green-cloaked man act suspiciously, but does not tell anyone of this. A few days pass and Barak decides to go wild boar hunting in the nearby forests. Against Aunt Pol's advice, Garion also goes. While in the forest Garion chances on a meeting between the green cloaked man mentioned earlier and another man about trying to spy on the current meeting between the kings of Aloria. Before Garion can tell anyone he is attacked by a wild boar, luckily killing it but becoming injured and unconscious in the process.

Garion later reveals to the Monarchs the presence of the green-cloaked spy, who is shown to be connected to a traitorous noble. Moments later, this noble and his men attack the castle from within, but are defeated. Garion himself is almost captured, but escapes. Later, he and the other protagonists leave again in search of the Orb, taking an Algarian prince named Hettar with them. As they leave, Garion learns that Polgara is the sister of his most distant female ancestor (identified in the prologue as Queen Beldaran, wife of Riva), justifying her claim to be his aunt. Having learned this, Garion identifies Belgarath as his grandfather and addresses him as such throughout later books.

Queen of Sorcery

Queen of Sorcery  

Queen of Sorcery cover
Author(s) David Eddings
Country USA
Language English
Series The Belgariad
Genre(s) Fantasy
Publisher Del Rey Books
Publication date 1983
Media type Hardcover, Paperback
Pages 327 (paperback)
ISBN ISBN 0-345-32389-0
Preceded by Pawn of Prophecy
Followed by Magician's Gambit

The story continues as Belgarion and his companions pursue the stolen Orb of Aldur. Along the way, they are joined by three more companions while traveling through Arendia: these are Hettar, an Algar warrior who has telepathic contact with horses; the Mimbrate Knight Mandorallen; and the Asturian archer Lelldorin. Garion develops a strong friendship with Lelldorin after traveling with him.

During the travels through Arendia, Lelldorin is injured in battle and is forced to leave his companions. though Lelldorian, Garion exposes a plot to kill King Korodullin and to start a war with a neighboring country, masterminded by a spy named Nachak. After Arendia the companions travel to Tolnedra, seeking audience with the Emperor Ran Borune XXIII. Whilst in the imperial palace, Garion meets the imperial Princess Ce'Nedra, who is seen throwing a tantrum at her father for limiting her freedom to leave the palace. Upon leaving the capital, the group encounter an ineffectually disguised Princess Ce'Nedra, who has tricked her tutor into helping her escape the Imperial Palace. When first met by the companions Ce'Nedra is selfish, difficult, and almost intolerable; but learns to grow out of this behavior and joins the companions on their quest.

In the Wood of the Dryads, Ce'Nedra reveals that she is part Dryad through her mother's ancestors, and Garion achieves the Will and the Word; an ability to focus his intention, releasing it by the utterance of words, to the extent that he affects physical reality. This is done in an encounter with Chamdar, a Grolim high priest posing as a Murgo merchant named Asharak, when the latter, by striking Polgara, provokes Garion to kill him. At this, Polgara reveals that her ward's true name is Belgarion, and that once used, the power will never leave him. Garion, afraid of this new power, vows never to use it again.

Garion is later kidnapped by the Nyissan Queen Salmissra, who drugs him and tries to seduce him; but the "dry voice" holds off the queen's attempts until he is rescued by Polgara the Sorceress and Barak, who has assumed the form of a large bear. As retribution Polgara transforms Salmissra into an immortal snake. Barak's transformation is not explained until the Epilogue to Enchanters' End Game, during which it is revealed that Barak is Garion's hereditary protector, the Dreadful Bear.

Magician's Gambit

Magician's Gambit  

Magician's Gambit cover
Author(s) David Eddings
Country USA
Language English
Series The Belgariad
Genre(s) Fantasy
Publisher Del Rey Books
Publication date 1983
Media type Hardcover, Paperback
Pages 320 (paperback)
ISBN ISBN 0-345-32731-4
Preceded by Queen of Sorcery
Followed by Castle of Wizardry

In the third book of the series, after learning that the Angarak sorcerer Ctuchik has stolen the Orb from its thief Zedar, Belgarion and friends go after him; but first enter the Vale of Aldur. In a cave on the way, Garion brings a dead colt back to life. This event is of great significance as both Polgara and Belgarath maintain that before this, it was dangerous to use the Will and the Word to restore life to the dead, for this risked the life force of the one attempting it. To save time the group passes through the haunted land of Maragor, whose inhabitants were largely killed or enslaved when the Tolnedrans invaded them to obtain gold and whose Mara unleashed ghosts of the lost people to drive every invader insane. To protect their minds against these ghosts, Belgarath and Polgara place their companions in a trance. At the center of the ruins Mara senses Ce'Nedra, a Tolnedran and therefore one of the race that destroyed his people, and attempts to drive her insane. The 'other awareness' in Garion's mind prevents Mara from harming Ce'Nedra, whereupon Mara recognizes it as the Voice of the Prophecy and relents.

In the Vale of Aldur, Garion learns more about his powers. The group enters Ulgoland, and, after some dispute, recruits an Ulgo zealot named Relg to serve as a guide to Cthol Murgos. Ce'Nedra is left behind as a guest of Gorim, the Ulgos' supreme authority, because the god UL warns that if she enters the city of the Murgos, she will die.

At Ctuchik's headquarters. Belgarath and Ctuchik fight a 'wizards' duel' until Ctuchik attempts to "unmake" the Orb and thus "unmakes" himself. The group escapes, taking the now unconscious Belgarath, a boy later nicknamed Errand, who carries the Orb unharmed, and an escaped slave named Taiba, descendant of the Marags sold into slavery.

Castle of Wizardry

Castle of Wizardry  

Castle of Wizardry cover
Author(s) David Eddings
Country USA
Language English
Series The Belgariad
Genre(s) Fantasy
Publisher Del Rey Books
Publication date 1984
Media type Hardcover, Paperback
Pages 416 (paperback)
ISBN ISBN 0-345-30080-7
Preceded by Magician's Gambit
Followed by Enchanters' End Game

The role of leader is thrust upon Garion when Belgarath and Polgara are incapacitated, the former by his battle with Ctuchik and the latter by maintaining a shield to protect Errand. Garion destroys the focal point of the power of the Hierarchs of Rak Cthol in retaliation for an attack upon Durnik. With Errand continuously trying to give the Orb of Aldur to one of the company (its donation being the source of his name), they return to Ulgo for Ce'Nedra and eventually reach the Isle of the Winds.

At Riva, Belgarion is led by Belgarath, Polgara, and the Voice of Prophecy to accept the Orb of Aldur from Errand in the Hall of the Rivan King, where the ancient Sword rests above the Rivan Throne. In Garion's hands, the Orb glows with bright blue fire; placing it on the pommel, he is able to grasp the fiery Sword, revealing to all that he is the long-lost heir to the throne. This revelation infuriates Ce'Nedra, because the Accords of Vo Mimbre state that she must submit to the Rivan King on her sixteenth birthday to be betrothed. It is also here that Garion, aided by the Voice of Prophecy, is able to see each member of the quest for the Orb as the Instruments of Prophecy.

Shortly after the betrothal, Garion learns from the Mrin Prophecy that the Rivan King must slay the god Torak or be slain himself. Belgarion, Belgarath and Silk therefore set out to fight Torak, leaving only a note to Polgara and Ce'Nedra with instructions not to pursue them; whereupon Polgara enters a rage, destroying her apartment and causing a thunderstorm overhead.

Having learnt the reason of Belgarion's departure, Ce'Nedra overhears a conference of the Alorn kings, though a necklace gifted by Garion, and decides to assist them with their plan to raise an army to distract the Angaraks from Garion's quest so that he may reach Cthol Mishrak safely and overcome Torak. In this she fulfills her role in the Prophecy by donning armor and giving rousing speeches to the Arends, convincing them to lend their support to her. By the time she crosses into Tolnedra to gather the Legions, every able-bodied Arend has been inspired to join her army. The book ends with Ce'Nedra and her army marching east, knowing full well that her invasion is only a diversion to help Garion, Silk, and Belgarath enter Cthol Mishrak and serves no other purpose.

Enchanters' End Game

Enchanters' End Game  

Enchanter's End Game cover
Author(s) David Eddings
Country USA
Language English
Series The Belgariad
Genre(s) Fantasy
Publisher Del Rey Books
Publication date 1984
Media type Hardcover, Paperback
Pages 384 (paperback)
ISBN ISBN 0-345-30078-5
Preceded by Castle of Wizardry
Followed by The Malloreon (Guardians of the West)

The final book of the series starts with Belgarion, Silk, and Belgarath sneaking through Gar og Nadrak, whence they cross into Mallorea. Garion is tempted by Torak to accept him as a father and Polgara as his mother, but rejects Torak and reaches Cthol Mishrak unchallenged.

Despite a victory at Thull Mardu, Ce'Nedra, Polgara, Durnik, and Errand are captured by Mallorean forces and taken to the emperor Zakath, who gives them to Zedar. En route Polgara reveals that the Mallorean Prophecies name her as Torak's destined bride, and that her strength in resisting Torak's call may decide Belgarion's outcome. With Zakath'sescort, Polgara, Ce'Nedra, Durnik, Errand, and Zedar reach Cthol Mishrak before Garion, Silk, and Belgarath arrive.

Inside Cthol Mishrak, Zedar takes his prisoners to Torak's tomb, where Zedar kills Durnik and Belgarath, enraged, buries him alive. Torak revives, and attempts to sway Polgara; but Garion sends images of Durnik into her mind, thereby helping her to withstand Torak's call. He then turns to Garion in anger. A final battle ensues, during which Garion and Torak swell into immensity. Garion again rejects the God of Angarak, slaying his corporeal form with the Sword of the Rivan King and thereby vanquishing him forever. Torak cries out "Mother!" as he dies; wherefore Belgarath explains that Torak cried out to the universe itself, thereby reaching for the one thing that may have loved him.

The gods arrive and take Torak's body. UL, the father of the gods, agrees to allow Garion to revive Durnik; Mara objects, but relents when Belgarath reveals that there is one Marag left alive. Aldur questions whether Polgara could be so unequally attached to a mortal while she was a Sorceress. Polgara affirms that she loves Durnik and would agree to have no power greater than he has. The gods and Belgarion use the Orb to bring Durnik back to life, but succeed only when Errand places his hand on the Orb.

Upon the company's return to Riva, Garion and Ce'Nedra plan their wedding. Polgara and Durnik are married in a private chapel in the Citadel prior to Belgarion and Ce'Nedra's ceremony in the Hall of the Rivan King. Here, Durnik reveals that he received the Will and the Word when he was brought back to life, and that Belgarath had been training him to be Aldur's newest Disciple, thereby fulfilling Polgara's wish that she have no power greater than his own. Ce'Nedra and Garion are married, dance with everyone, and then retire to their chambers.

The story ends with a half-drunk Belgarath, having finally accomplished his eons-old mission, sitting in the darkened Hall of the Rivan King speaking to the Orb, while Garion and Ce'Nedra consummate their marriage.


Book of Alorn

The Book of Alorn is an historical and semi-religious book belonging to the Alorn people, encompassing major events ranging from the creation of the world to the battle of Vo Mimbre, and has been used as background material for many of the Belgariad and Malloreon novels. Apparently all Alorns can recite the book, even those who have never read it. Although Eddings bases many of his novels' prologues on the Book, he also mentions that the Book is not completely accurate (as when it credits Aldur with the creation of the Orb of Aldur, which predated him).

In Belgarath the Sorcerer, Belgarath hints that the Book of Alorn was written by priests and that there are more than a single version (page 203, Apostate chapter of Belgarath the Sorcerer).

Book of Torak

The Book of Torak is the Angarak holy book in The Belgariad. It was apparently written by Torak himself, in first person narrative. Like the Book of Alorn, the book of Torak narrates the major world events, but tells it from a different perspective. According to the book, it was Torak who led the gods to create the world, protagonists (such as Belgarath) are recast as villains, and the reason for Riva Iron-Grip being able to touch the Orb of Aldur is different.

The first several pages of the Book of Torak are printed in the Rivan Codex, David and Leigh Eddings' collection of unpublished background material and commentary on the Belgariad and Malloreon.


In the fictional world of The Belgariad and The Malloreon, there are several means to achieve supernatural feats; but actual annihilation, of anything but oneself, is impossible.


The Melcenes, who discount the supernatural, take a scientific approach and developed alchemy. Senji is the only alchemist introduced by name, though there are others.


Demons are summoned by mystics to provide those abandoned by both gods and prophecies with a religion. Their chief aim seems to be to escape the parallel universe to which UL confined them. They all defer to the "King of Hell"; but some are "Demon Lords" able to command armies of their species.


Ulgo diviners have the ability to pass their bodies (and anything they touch) through solid rock; whereas Dalasian diviners have the ability to acquire special information.


The power of gods is almost limitless. The gods in the stories are UL (Ulgos), Belar (Alorns), Torak (Angaraks), Aldur (disciples), Issa (Nyissans), Nedra (Tolnedrans), Mara (Marags) and Chaldan (Arends). Oldest is UL, the father god, then his sons Aldur, Nedra, Torak, Issa, and so on to Belar, the youngest.


Very similar to traditional fantasy magic, witches employ potions and spells to achieve certain effects. The only example given of a witch is Vordai; but other characters are mentioned using it as well.

The Necessities

The power of the two Necessities is such that if they were to meet directly, the universe would be destroyed. Hence they work through agents, the Child of Light and the Child of Dark, and channel some of their power through the Orb of Aldur and its opponent the Sardion.


Some Dals have the ability to communicate with spirits of the dead.


Sorcery is the common term for the Will and the Word, which is used by the disciples of Aldur and Torak, and the most senior Grolims. Disciple sorcerers are immune to aging, while other sorcerers live extended lives.

Essentially, a sorcerer concentrates its own strength through willpower, then releases it with a word. The word itself is immaterial; but the user must have a clear vision of its object, wherefore much of the training and education of sorcerers is toward expanding the imagination. Sorcery requires concentration, and can be physically tiring. The uses of the Will and the Word are almost limitless; but can exhaust the user even to its own death.

Sorcerers can "hear" when sorcery is used. This depends on the type of action being done (translocation is very loud), how quickly it is done, and proximity/skill of other Will-talented people. This sense manifests in a way very similar to real hearing, so loud noises can be used to mask the "sound" of using one's Will. Other types of supernatural power are not detectable in this way.


One of the least-detailed supernatural practices in the series, the wizards of the Dals, like the Seers, have a place in the Mountain of Kell, and are known to have placed an enchantment that curses Grolims who come near the city.


Oft-maligned, usually unfairly, a single witch appears in the series, though the Dals practice witchcraft as well to some degree. They appear to work by convincing spirits to do their bidding.

See also

External links